Saturday, November 14, 2009

Robots_ and_such

Some warmup sketches from the past few days. I promise I'll finish something soon.

Like I said ask and ye shall receive good sir!

-Bolinski out

Sunday, November 8, 2009


EDIT: WIP colors

colors to follow...

-Bolinski out

Saturday, November 7, 2009



I've managed to catch the cold that has been floating around the office so I've been out of it the past few days. The only upside is i've been able to watch some movies and shows I never got around to. The Gurren Lagann series was one of them. I'm not usually someone who geeks out about seeing a new anime but this one was pretty cool. Truth be told, anything with giant robots is good to me! I was pretty inspired, and bored out of my skull from sitting around for 2 days, so i decied to sketch this up:

This thing went a bit out of control. At the time i just wanted to draw a quick pen sketch but then I added some quick marker colors...then i added more colors...then i added colored pencil...then i added some photoshop i said a bit out of control. It was a nice warmup/learning piece for some new things coming up. So enjoy this for now and i'll be posting more soon!

PS. I haven't forgot about the Wild things piece, it's just on the back burner until i get some supplies

-Bolinski out

Monday, October 26, 2009


Quick post, finally got around to knocking something out. Presketches and photoshop color mockups. I'll be posting the final hopefully soon.


-Bolinski out

Wednesday, August 12, 2009


Finally after 2 years of work and development my first sideline collection is out and hitting the NFL fields. I'll be posting more as I finish retouching some of the other photos.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009


I'm not usually a huge fan of shopping but I was on my game here. As far as I'm concerned this is the best place to track upcoming trends for fashion.

Also a bit of an update with the skate deck. I would have liked to get a bit more finished this weekend but I had a date with an 18 rack of PBR. Kinda tanked all ambitions for the remainder of the weekend...

Better pictures to come when I finish this thing up!

-Bolinski out

Sunday, May 24, 2009


This is pretty much a continuation of my post yesterday. This should be the last post of graffiti from Tokyo. Enjoy!

On a side note, I almost bought this bike. Vintage was the name of the game in Harajuku. It was insane seeing all this classic Americana inspired fashion and design in this area. It's really awesome how inspired the Japanese culture is with what we would consider to be typical. I never thought for one minute that I would go into a shop and see a pair of vintage adidas kicks from the 70's selling for $700. I didn't expect to see that let alone somebody actually contemplating the buy. But that's really what is cool about the fashion scene in Tokyo. Little shops like that can strive and actually make a prophet. Try doing something like that here and you'll be lucky to see your business last 6 months. It makes me want to go to the nearest thrift store, buy up the whole lot and start a new life in Japan...

Anyway, the inspiration continues. A quick preview of coming attractions.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Graphics and Bikes_tokyo part 2

It's funny how a whole country can be completely immersed in design. I was looking through my pictures again today and noticed that 60% of them were of graphics alone. I could blame that on the fact that I'm a designer by trade but I have a hard time believing that I'm the only one who does that. From the motorcycle graphics to back alley graffiti it seemed that design was considered across the board. Good thing too because now I have tons of ideas for upcoming paintings and sculptures based off of these new found treasures.

Gotta take the good with the bad though I guess. This week at work was torrential. I guess that's the price you pay for taking 2 weeks off. I did manage to get another mock up of a potential poster or color scheme for paintings. I've been studying a few artists recently and I'm starting to like some of the directions that these are moving in. I still have some work to do on them like addressing better typography/detailing but hey it's a start!

I'm not even though a quarter of my pics from Japan yet let alone the shots of Seoul that I took. I'll get to those soon. Enjoy!

-Bolinski out

Sunday, May 17, 2009


So I've had this blog setup for quite sometime now and what a better time to get it going than after the most amazing trip of my life. I had the chance to spend the last two weeks in Tokyo and Seoul, South Korea. Up until this point in my life I couldn't say I had an experience that "changed my life." Simply put, Tokyo is amazing. I have never felt so surrounded by art and design, not even in my four years of design school. Is it bad that I'm not even home for 24 hours and I'm trying to figure out how to get back there? I'll be posting more photos in the days to come but here are a few of my favorites now:

Also, what good is an art blog if I don't post some art? Here are a few ideas/pieces for what hopefully turns into a show later this summer or fall. Good thing inspiration is at an all time high now!

Like I said, keep your eyes peeled for new posts in the upcoming days!

-Bolinski out